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Church repair project unites a village

First published on: 15th May 2019

Church repair project unites a village. A £750,000 church repair project has united a community and seen a congregation grow in the Berkshire village of Binfield.

An illuminating partnership in Wexham

First published on: 30th April 2019

An illuminating partnership in Wexham. A PARTNERSHIP design and technology project between a school and a church has produced illuminating results.

Fight poverty with soup this Lent

First published on: 4th April 2019

People across the diocese are being urged to support Christian Aid by eating soup this Lent.

30 not 'out' as new church ages well

First published on: 3rd April 2019

30 not 'out' as new church ages well. A CHURCH in Reading is celebrating its 30th birthday after being built to serve the largest new housing development in Europe.

Grand re-opening of St Mary's after £500,000 re-vamp

First published on: 3rd April 2019

The grand re-opening of St Mary Magdalene's Church in Woodstock following a £500,000 upgrade took place last month.

Lottery grant to help stop St Mary's roof falling in

First published on: 25th March 2019

An initial £30,300 Heritage Lottery Fund grant has been awarded for the next phase of work to save St Mary's, Banbury, Oxfordshire.

Return of the trees

First published on: 22nd March 2019

Return of the trees. A POPULAR Christmas tree festival returns to All Saints Church in High Wycombe on Saturday 16 December for the fourth year running.

Dignitaries celebrate opening of new £270,000 school Maths and Business Centre

First published on: 28th February 2019

Churchmead Church of England School welcomed dignitaries and school governors as it celebrated the opening of its refurbished Maths and Business Centre.

Celebrating 800 years of worship at All Saints'

First published on: 13th February 2019

Celebrating 800 years of worship at All Saints'. ALL SAINTS' Church in Loughton, Milton Keynes, marked its 800th anniversary since the first recorded rector was appointed with a celebration service.

On your marks.. Church school children get a taste of triathlon

First published on: 13th February 2019

On your marks.. Church school children get a taste of triathlon. IT was an exciting morning for children from Standlake CE Primary School children when they got to take part in a charity triathlon.

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