We have more parishes and churches than any other diocese in the Church of England.
There are 808 churches in 29 deaneries serving a population of 2.4m people and 284 Church of England schools serving 60,000 pupils. Together, we work with God and with others for the common good in every place in one of the great crossroads of the world.
Our staff support parishes and schools in a huge number of ways. This includes providing financial, legal and administrative services and advising on many different areas of school and parish life, such as working with children and young people, social justice initiatives, vocations and training, safeguarding and communications.
To get in touch with us, email reception or find the person you're looking for below. Directions to Church House Oxford are here and for jobs and recruitment, please visit our vacancies page.
Note that a number of people listed on this page are volunteers or work part-time.
The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft
Bishop of Oxford
01865 208 222
More about the Bishop of Oxford
Mark Humphriss
Diocesan Secretary
01865 208 202
The Rt Revd Gavin Collins
Bishop of Dorchester
01865 208 218
The Rt Revd Olivia Graham
Bishop of Reading
01865 208 741
Bishop of Buckingham
01494 862 173
The Revd Canon Prof Sarah Foot
Dean, Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford
The Venerable Jonathan Chaffey
Archdeacon of Oxford
01865 208 263
The Venerable Guy Elsmore
Archdeacon of Buckingham
01865 208 266
The Venerable Stephen Pullin
Archdeacon of Berkshire
01865 208275
The Venerable David Tyler
Archdeacon of Dorchester
07961 726 403
Andrew Anderson-Gear
Director of Mission & Ministry
01865 208 251
Sophie Orme
Director of Property
Darren Oliver
Diocesan Registrar
01865 297 210
Andrew Green
Director of Finance
01865 208 205
Rebekah Sharrock
Acting Head of Communications
01865 208 227
07880 716 761
Charnelle Stylianides
Director of People and Safeguarding
01865 208 770
The Revd Paul Cowan
Chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford
01865 208 221
The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft
Bishop of Oxford
01865 208 222
More about the Bishop of Oxford
The Venerable Jonathan Chaffey
Archdeacon of Oxford
01865 208 263
The Revd Canon Dr Peter Groves
Associate Archdeacon - Oxford
01865 247 836
Sharon Appleton
Part-time Administrator: Bishop of Oxford's Office
Part-time Administrator: Dorchester Office
01865 587 040
Thames Valley Police Chaplain
Claire Barratt
Personal Assistant to the Archdeacon of Oxford
01865 208 732
Rhodri Bowen
Parish Development Adviser (Berkshire & Oxford)
07741 736 480
The Revd Dr Quentin Chandler
Diocesan Director of Ordinands
01865 208 283
Quentin is currently away from work
The Revd Paul Cowan
Chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford
01865 208 221
Dr Simon Cross
Research, Engagement & Parliamentary Liaison for the Bishop of Oxford
01865 208 760
Marian Green
Bishop of Oxford's Executive Assistant
01865 208 222
Erica Hegg
Safeguarding Casework Officer for Oxford & Dorchester
Yvonne Morris
Discipleship Enabler (Oxfordshire) &
Diocesan Children's and Family Ministry Adviser
01865 208 255
Contact details for the Buckingham office
Bishop of Buckingham
01494 862 173
The Venerable Guy Elsmore
Archdeacon of Buckingham
01865 208 266
The Revd Canon Chris Bull
Associate Archdeacon - Buckinghamshire
07481 343 440
Secretary & Administrator to the Bishop of Buckingham
01865 208 751
Catherine Green
Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Buckingham
01865 208 750
Margaret Curle
Administrator for the Bishop of Buckingham's office
01865 208 751
The Revd Canon Rosie Harper
Chaplain to the Bishop of Buckingham
07743 679 651
Heather Harris
Personal Assistant to the Archdeacon of Buckingham
01865 208 266
Tsungai Muchegwa
Area Safeguarding Adviser for Buckingham
07435 550 685
The Revd Canon Val Plumb
Area Dean for Rural Mission & Development
01844 239 347
James Wood
Discipleship Enabler (Buckingham) & Diocesan Schools Specialist
01865 208 254
The Reverend Asa Humphreys
Parish Development Adviser (Buckingham)
The Rt Revd Gavin Collins
Bishop of Dorchester
01865 208 218
The Venerable David Tyler
Archdeacon of Dorchester
07961 726 403
The Revd Preb Jane Haslam
Associate Archdeacon of Dorchester
01865 208 767
Paula Bennett
Personal Assistant to the Archdeacon of Dorchester
01865 208 245
Sarah Brennan
Events & Services Administrator for Dorchester
01865 208 765
The Revd Charles Chadwick
Parish Development Adviser (Dorchester)
01865 208 246
Erica Hegg
Safeguarding Casework Officer for Oxford & Dorchester
Jane Hemmings
Area Director of Ordinands (Dorchester & Oxford)
07876 864 962
Yvonne Morris
Discipleship Enabler (Oxfordshire) &
Diocesan Children's and Family Ministry Adviser
01865 208 255
Carol-Anne Swinney
Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Dorchester
01865 208 218
Contact details for the Reading office
The Rt Revd Olivia Graham
Bishop of Reading
0118 984 1216
The Venerable Stephen Pullin
Archdeacon of Berkshire
01635 552 820
The Revd Liz Jackson
Associate Archdeacon - Berkshire
07394 952 596
Rhodri Bowen
Parish Development Adviser (Berkshire & Oxford)
07741 736 480
The Revd Nicholas Cheeseman
Area Director of Ordinands (Oxford & Berkshire)
07391 416 088
Isobel Hansford
Personal Assistant to the Bishop of Reading
01865 208 741
The Revd Mark Laynesmith
Anglican Chaplain at the University of Reading
Kathryn Aboud
Discipleship Enabler (Berkshire) & Youth Ministry Specialist
01865 208 253
Jane Sampson
Personal Secretary to the Archdeacon of Berkshire
01865 208274
Alison Taylor
Personal Assistant to the Archdeacon of Berkshire
01865 20 8275
Lesley Young
Personal Secretary to the Bishop of Reading
01865 208 741
Charlotte Wilmshurst
Safeguarding Casework Officer for Berkshire
Rebekah Sharrock
Acting Head of Communications
01865 208 227
07880 716 761
Bev Botting
Data Analyst
Steven Buckley
Communications Consultant
Ruth Hamilton-Jones
Communications Officer - Publications
01865 208 225
Rowan Lake
Communications Assistant
Emma Thompson
Communications Officer - Digital
Sophie Orme
Director of Property
01865 208 234
Tim Alley
Building Surveyor (Development)
01865 208 281
Roisin Collins
Personal Assistant to the Director of Property
01865 208 231
Jane Darling
Property Transactions Manager
01865 208 248
Tim Armstead
Diocesan Surveyor (Development)
Karen Drew
Administrative Assistant (Repairs & Maintenance)
01865 208 268
Alys Cameron
Project Coordinator
01865 208 231
Tony Kerry
Diocesan Surveyor (Repairs & Maintenance)
01865 208 292
Chris Mariner
Head of Retrofit
01865 208 232
Jane Rosi
Property Manager
Kally Morley
Church House Facilities Manager
01865 208 764
Jackie Whittaker
Cafe Assistant
Marion Williams
01865 208 200
Julia Rands
01865 208 200
Andrew Green
Director of Finance
01865 208 205
Thomas Mitchell
Deputy Director of Finance
Danuta Finze
Accounts Assistant - Banking and ODBF
01865 208 207
Liz Holloway
Finance Officer - Parish Share and Income
01865 208 210
Karen McGill
Finance Assistant
01865 208 247
Aline Nkusi
Management Accounts Assistant
01865 208 294
Emily O’Shea
Finance Officer (ODBE & DTOL)
Dee Skelcher
Management Accountant - ODBF
01865 208 209
Note: see 'areas' for safeguarding caseworker contact details.
For any HR recruitment, resourcing or development matters please email recruitment.
Charnelle Stylianides
Director of People
01865 208 770
Louise Whitehead
Head of Safeguarding
07391 868 478
Tim Barnett
Senior HR Adviser & Data Protection Co-ordinator
01865 208 763
Linda Carpenter
Safeguarding & DBS Administrator
01865 208 267
The Revd Polly Falconer
Racial Justice Adviser
Nicole Hayes
Payroll Officer
01865 208 204
Charlotte Dover
Administrator (HR & Safeguarding)
01865 208 295
Helen Walker
Safeguarding Assistant & Training Officer
01865 587041
Melody Stack
Safeguarding Assistant & Training Officer
01865 587041
Rebecca Norris-Bulpitt
Safeguarding Assistant & Training Officer
Rebecca is currently on maternity leave
Susie Sigsworth
Senior HR Business Partner (Reward & Wellbeing)
01865 208 269
The Revd Katie Tupling
Diocesan Disability Adviser
01865 208 254
07442 762 998
Suzanne Urwin
HR Business Partner (Contractual Relations)
01865 208 201
Chris Leach
HR Officer (Resourcing and Development)
01865 208 744
Andrew Anderson-Gear
Director of Mission & Ministry
01865 208 251
Sarah Flashman
New Congregations Programme Leader
Navita Pereira
Directors, CMD Team and Academic Administrator
01865 208 277
Navita is currently on maternity leave
The Revd Dr Andy Angel
Director of Formation for Ministry
Jane Barlow
Administrative Assistant to Head of Vocations & DDO
01865 208 249
Jane is currently on maternity leave
The Revd Dr Grant Bayliss
Head of IME2
07990 442 554
Mandi Bowden
Administrator to the DDO Team
01865 208 291
The Revd Dr Phil Cooke
Interim Principal, Local Ministry Pathway
01865 208 282
Emma Firth
Project Manager (New Congregations)
Andrew Hayes
Ministry Enabler (Digital Learning)
Beverley Higgs
Administrator for the Discipleship Enabler team and Parish Returns
01865 208 252
Marilyn Robinson-Po
Administrator (New Congregations)
01865 208 277
Charlie Kerr
Chaplaincy Adviser
07776 595 046
Charlie is part of the ODBE staff team.
James Leach
Theological Educator for IME1
Hannah Lewis
Chaplain amongst Deaf People
Hannah Ling
Social Justice Adviser
01865 208 213
The Revd Gill Lovell
CMD Adviser
07391 416 089
Carolyn Main
Local Ministry & LLM Support Officer
01865 208 257
Hannah Mann
Environment Programme Manager
Joanna Gallant
Head of Discipleship & Social Justice
07443 534 010
The Revd David Pickering
IME2 Curates Hard Skills Co-ordinator
Emma Nawrocki
IME Curate Course Administrator
01865 208 261
Alison Riggs
Environment Action Delivery Co-ordinator
Maranda St John Nicolle
World Development Adviser
01235 851 763
Liza Thompson
Project Support Assistant (New Congregations)
Joshua Townson
Generous Giving Adviser
01865 208 757
Caroline Todd
Administrator (Generous Giving, Environment & Social Justice)
01865 208 297
The Revd Canon Janet Binns
Dean of the UKME Chapter
Janet is a full-time parish priest offering her time in a self-supporting capacity for this role.
Mark Humphriss
Diocesan Secretary
01865 208 202
Abigail Lloyd
Chair of the Diocesan Advisory Committee
Liz Kitch
Head of Church Buildings
Ali Adams
Personal Assistant to the Diocesan Secretary
Judith Dignum
Governance Officer
Sophie Hammond
Church Buildings Officer
Emily Jackson
Church Buildings Officer
Carolyn Jupe
Casework Supervisor
Fiona McGrady
Development Fund Administrator
01865 208 739
Maggie Metaliaj
Pastoral Secretary
01865 208 243
Debbie Perry
Casework Co-ordinator, DAC
Hannah Robertson
Church Buildings Officer
Janet Rogers
Head of Grants, Projects and Governance
01865 208 742
Jennie Schillig
Church Buildings Officer
Sue Zajac
PCC Governance Officer
David Hodge
01865 297 214
Darren Oliver
Diocesan Registrar
01865 297 210
Helen Lambourne
Diocesan Registry Clerk (for Faculty Information)
01865 297 208
Sara Leader
Diocesan & Provincial Registry Clerk
01865 297 211
Ruth Rundle
Personal Assistant to the Diocesan Registrars
01865 297 214
Church House Oxford
Langford Locks
Tel: 01865 208 200
Directions and EV charging facilities
In this section...
Church House Oxford
Directions to Church House Oxford, Kidlington.
Diocesan directory (CMS)
Information about the diocesan directory, which is based on the Church of England Contact Management System (CMS).