Grow in your everyday faith and become a confident disciple by joining one of three learning pathways from the Diocese of Oxford.
This Learning Hub is open to everyone in the Diocese of Oxford and the content is designed to be accessible to all. The three learning pathways are free of charge, and there are no mandatory assignments for you to complete.
Book onto a course
We have two study group courses running this January. Check out our Eventbrite to register for free.
Want to get learning straight away? Head over to the Hub to access our Bite-Sized and Going Deeper courses, available all year round.
Jesus and Salvation: A Deeper Dive
Have you ever wondered who Jesus truly is? His question to His disciples, "Who do you say I am?" continues to challenge believers today. Join us on a transformative journey as we explore the depth of His love, sacrifice, and eternal significance. There will be a diverse group of guests and perspectives. You will get insights from various experts and experiences, enriching your understanding of Jesus' life and message.
The course starts with an online welcome evening on 8 January at 7.30pm, and is made up of weekly online tutorials with an on-site study day at Church House on 8 February. Book now via Eventbrite.
Opening Up the Bible 
Opening up the Bible can be trickier than it looks – as many of us have discovered when we have sat down to study it in depth or prepare sermons or Bible studies or any other ministry using the Bible. This course helps us learn from reliable guides not only so we can understand what we read but also to help others to unpack the biblical texts for our faith, mission, and ministries.
The course is made up of weekly online tutorials with two on-site study days at Church House on 11 January and 22 March.
What are the learning pathways?
We offer three different formats of course - Bite-sized, Going deeper, and Study groups.
Work through topics at your own pace at a time that suits you.
Each section includes a film, questions and something to reflect on. Allow three hours per topic.
Learn online at your own pace, or as part of a local group exploring five or six sessions together.
Going deeper courses take around 15 hours to complete.
Study groups take place each term. They are open to all and designed to be accessible to everyone in the church.
Allow for 40 hours of study over 8–10 weeks.
New Bite-Sized Course: Called to Wonder
Where do you see God in the small, everyday things? Where do you feel most connected with God in creation? What leaves you in awe or fascinates you?
We hope you enjoy reflecting on these and other questions as you watch six videos, hear people’s stories, and hopefully, find fresh inspiration for loving and serving our Creator.