Parish share

Graphic extract from on the money: with over 1,500 clergy and licensed lay ministers, it costs over £19m each year to resource ministry in this diocese.The parish share is the amount of money that each parish is asked to contribute to support the provision of mission and ministry of the Church in the Diocese of Oxford and beyond. It’s the responsibility of us all and an essential part of our discipleship and how our clergy are funded.

The parish share raises around £18m each year, and without it we simply would not be able to support and pay for our clergy. With it, we’re able to ensure appropriate levels of ministry provision across each of our 284 benefices.  It’s an immense undertaking that raises over £18m each year and a feat that’s possible only because of the prayerful support, fundraising and long-term financial commitment of our congregations. Thank you!


The Core principles of the Diocese of Oxford's parish share scheme underpin our system of parish share allocation to deaneries. The Operating principles are there to assist deaneries and ODBF staff in applying the Core principles.

Core Principles


  • Must be fair and seen to be fair
  • Should reflect the ability to pay
  • Should not immediately penalise growth
  • Should be administered as a partnership between diocese and deanery
  • Should be based on generous and gracious giving and mutual support
  • Should be easily communicated
  • Should be a formula-based system


Operating Principles


  • The diocese will allocate parish share to deaneries. Allocation of parish share within a deanery shall be the responsibility of the Deanery Synod, but if any deanery is unable to agree an alternative allocation methodology, the diocesan formula will be applied to allocate the parish share to the parishes within that deanery.
  • The diocese will allocate to deaneries full costs within the parish share. The cost categories within the parish share allocations will be the same as those used in the diocesan budget, to ensure clarity about the use of the funds requested in the parish share allocations.
  • The allocations from diocese to deaneries shall include the cost of ministry in each deanery, and also take account of the ability of each deanery to pay and to offer mutual support.
  • In addition, the allocation shall take account of previous years’ allocations to moderate significant movement in allocation year on year (apart from agreed alterations to ministry posts).
  • Deaneries shall fully allocate their allocation of share to identifiable revenue sources. This shall include the parishes/benefices within the deanery as well as the deanery itself, if the deanery has sufficient of its own funds to pay a proportion of the parish share.
  • The default minimum position shall be that the parish share allocation to any parish/benefice should cover the costs of ministry provided. However, a deanery may also choose to adopt an allocation methodology to recognise the necessity of mutual support between parishes, where one or more parish/benefice is significantly less able to cover the cost of ministry.
  • The parish share allocation from diocese to deaneries, together with an explanation on the method of diocesan allocation, to be published annually on the Diocese of Oxford website.
  • The diocese will publish monthly statements of parish share allocation and contributions received, by parish/benefice, on the Diocese of Oxford website (please see below).
  • Shortfalls in contributions shall be initially addressed by the deanery and, if necessary, resolved in a joint process between diocese and deanery.


Click here for further information about the parish share (PDF) 

Share payment by Direct Debit

A discount of 1% is given to any parish who arrange to pay their share allocation in full by Direct Debit. This will be deducted from the amount of the allocation when the Direct Debit is set up by us, so that we collect 99% of your share allocation in 12 monthly instalments. Alternatively, if you contribute your 2024 share allocation in full by 31 January 2024 you will also receive the discount, in which case please pay 99% of the allocated amount.

If you would like to pay by Direct Debit, please complete the form below and return it by email to or by post to: ODBF, Church House Oxford, Langford Locks, Kidlington, OX5 1GF.

Alternative methods of Share Payment

You are also welcome to make your Parish Share contributions by bank transfer or cheque. Details on how to do this are on your latest Parish Share Statement or please contact Liz Holloway, Finance Officer-Parish Share.

2025 Parish Share apportionment approved by November Diocesan Synod

2024 Parish Share receipts

2024 share allocation by parish

2024 Parish Share apportionment approved by November Diocesan Synod

2023 Parish Share receipts

2022 Parish Share receipts

2021 Parish Share receipts

Page last updated: Tuesday 4th February 2025 10:58 AM
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