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The latest news and features from the Diocese of Oxford. To contact the press office, please call 01865 208 277 (out of hours 07880 716761) or email

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God in the Life of the Revd Dr Amanda Bloor

First published on: 15th August 2013

From Methodist roots to becoming the 'real vicar of Dibley'.

To be a pilgrim

First published on: 15th August 2013

To be a pilgrim. Thought for September 2013, by David Winter.

Conservation of parochial libraries

First published on: 12th August 2013

Conservation of parochial libraries. The Church Buildings Council has a new funding programme to assist with the conservation of parochial libraries in parish churches.

Canon Sue Booys to chair General Synod Committee

First published on: 6th August 2013

Canon Sue Booys to chair General Synod Committee. The Revd Canon Sue Booys, Team Rector of Dorchester, has been elected as chair of the Business Committee of the General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England.

Bishop welcomes new Prince

First published on: 23rd July 2013

Bishop welcomes new Prince. The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd John Pritchard, said:"I was delighted to hear of the safe arrival of the new prince and extend my congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

New Director of Ordinands joins team

First published on: 23rd July 2013

New Director of Ordinands joins team. The Revd Dr Amanda Bloor is to join the diocesan team of Directors of Ordinands, leading work in Berkshire (0.

Diocesan Secretary responds to CT letter

First published on: 20th July 2013

Diocesan Secretary responds to CT letter. Rosemary Pearce, Oxford's Diocesan Secretary, has written to the Church Times to express her concerns about a letter that appeared in the paper on 19 July 2013.

Hard work pays off at St Luke's CE Primary School

First published on: 19th July 2013

Hard work pays off at St Luke's CE Primary School

News from Kimberley and Kuruman

First published on: 18th July 2013

News from Kimberley and Kuruman. Two members of the Diocesan Kimberley and Kuruman Committee, Maranda St John Nicolle and Anne Morse, are currently in Kimberley and Kuruman.

Oxford Clergy Golf Team win national title

First published on: 18th July 2013

Oxford Clergy Golf Team win national title. FOUR clergy from the Oxford Diocese successfully defended their national title at an inter-diocesan golf championship held in July.

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