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Oxford environment edition of re-launched journal

First published on: 24th September 2013

Oxford environment edition of re-launched journal. Theological journal Anvil has been re-launched at an event at Ripon College, Cuddesdon.

Operation Sat Nav

First published on: 23rd September 2013

Operation Sat Nav. A month of inspiring events saw up to 1,800 of people enjoying art work, music and even a session with Roly the Clown at St Thomas' Church, Goring throughout September.

A day in Narnia

First published on: 20th September 2013

A day in Narnia. THE parallels between C.

Chastleton teas raise funds for churches

First published on: 20th September 2013

The Jacobean Chastleton House was built between 1607 and 1612 by a prosperous wool merchant.

Church: Accessible to all?

First published on: 20th September 2013

Church: Accessible to all?. "The Church cannot exemplify the full humanity revealed in Christ, bear witness to the interdependence of humankind, or achieve unity in diversity if it continues to acquiesce in the social isolation of disabled persons and to deny them full participation in its life," Breaking Barriers, Nairobi 1975.

Exploring churches

First published on: 20th September 2013

Did you know that All Saints Shorthampton is well known for its medieval wall paintings dating from the early 15th century?

Hitting the road for a 300k walking adventure

First published on: 20th September 2013

A pilgrimage is far more than a physical undertaking.

Hope Street

First published on: 20th September 2013

Hope Street is a family congregation that runs on the first Sunday of every month from Wychwood CE Primary School.

Sharing expertise

First published on: 20th September 2013

Sharing expertise. CHURCH wardens' evenings give these essential volunteers from the Chipping Norton Deanery the chance to get together and share good practice, get informal training and generally support each other.

Bishop John welcomes 'meaningful milestone' for Real Easter Egg

First published on: 11th September 2013

THE Bishop of Oxford has welcomed a move by the UK's biggest supermarkets to stock a Fairtrade chocolate egg containing the Easter message.

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