What does a PCC secretary do? (to be collapsible heading in main page)

  1. Is responsible for all documents relating to the current business of the PCC (except electoral roll unless they are the electoral roll officer) CRR M20(2a), i.e. record management and for keeping them secure. The Church of England (CoE)’s guide Keep or Bin[1] (Appendix 1) sets out how long different types of document should be held and what should happen to them afterwards. For more up to date guidance regards GDPR, see the related diocese webpage [link] or parish resources website which supersedes the data protection section in the CoE document.
  2. To organise PCC meetings  [link to separate page]
  3. To prepare the agenda for PCC meetings, in consultation with the Incumbent or vice-chair and circulate it to PCC members in advance of the meeting. It can be helpful to establish a cyclical agenda to ensure important tasks or deliverables are not missed. See the template agenda as a guide of items might wish to include and the annual calendar of parish deliverables below as a reference of cyclical items.
  4. Keep the minutes CRR M20(2b) and to record, as part of the minutes, any resolutions passed by the PCC CRR M20(2c). (see separate guidance page on keeping minutes).
  5. To organise and minute the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). [See link to separate page]
  6. To provide the Diocese and Deanery Synod Secretary with up-to-date information about your contact details CRR M20(2d) as well as the names and contact details of the parish officers and of current Deanery Synod representatives.
  7. To act as the compliance officer for the PCC by ensuring the PCC is meeting its deadlines and deliverables, by being aware of the PCC’s deadlines and checking with the person responsible that this has been completed. We have provided an editable annual calendar of deliverables a PCC will typically need to do as an aide memoir, for you to amend  [link to timetable]
  8. To handle correspondence on behalf of the parish. In particular thank you letters can be much appreciated to those who may have helped the parish as well as send out notes of condolence etc.
  9. To respond to requests from the Diocese and Deanery as necessary, to direct or field to the relevant person.
  10. To support the Incumbent – where there are any concerns over how the PCC is being run this should be raised, in the first instance, with the churchwarden for follow up, as the Bishop’s officers, or the Area Dean or Lay Chair, if this is not appropriate dependent on the issue.  

[1] Note the latest edition is dated 2009 (no update @ Aug 2022).

Page last updated: Wednesday 17th August 2022 3:19 PM
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