Creation Crew - a new missional community
First published on: 5th July 2023The Creation Crew, at St Andrew's Church, High Wycombe, is a diverse group who enjoy the local environment and want to help care for it.
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The Creation Crew, at St Andrew's Church, High Wycombe, is a diverse group who enjoy the local environment and want to help care for it.
On Tuesday 4 July, the Environment Team and the Church Buildings Team are calling on all churches in the Diocese to turn on and test their boiler, ahead of the autumn heating season.
Sixteen Deanery Environmental Leads support local churches to care for creation.
A wildlife-friendly contemplation garden has helped St Giles’ church, Great Coxwell to an Eco-Church Bronze Award from A Rocha UK.
The climate action work of the Church of England in the Thames Valley features in an inspiring new documentary from Al Jazeera English.
Churches in the village of Chinnor, in Oxfordshire, are joined in a commitment to caring for God’s creation and the natural world.
The March meeting of Oxford Diocesan Synod took time to consider care for creation and the many different strands of work now underway, and our New Congregations programme.
The Diocese of Oxford, which recently announced a £10m programme of environmental works to improve the carbon footprint of vicarages, has taken the next step towards net zero with the installation of EV charging stations at Church House Oxford.
Parishes can now register to participate in Churches Count on Nature, an annual scheme where people visit churchyards and record the plant and animal species they encounter.
Over 300 trees have been planted at St Mary’s Church, in Greenham, Newbury, as part of a project to redevelop the churchyard for the community.