A message from the former Prime Minister to children and young people
First published on: 14th October 2021Theresa May MP shares a message with children in the diocese about the importance of writing to their MP about climate change.
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Theresa May MP shares a message with children in the diocese about the importance of writing to their MP about climate change.
Churches Together in Kidlington are hosting nine days of 24-hour continuous prayer ahead of COP26 in Glasgow.
Churches across the diocese have received new Eco Church awards in recent weeks as part of the A Rocha UK scheme.
Follow the Young Christian Climate Network's Relay to COP26 as it passes through the Diocese of Oxford.
Rt Revd Olivia Graham, Bishop of Reading, gives a moving sermon on climate justice for the Young Christian Climate Network's Relay to COP26.
The Young Christian Climate Network are organising a relay walk to end in Glasgow at the end of October, ready for COP26.
Bishop Steven speaks at the Lords Select Committee for the environment and climate change about COP26, poverty and pandemics.
Big Clean Switch. A very simple step that we can take to reduce the carbon footprints of our homes is to switch to a renewable - otherwise known as a "green" or "clean" - tariff.
Two regular cycle commuters, Rhodri Bowen and Steven Buckley, share their tips and inspiration for cycling to work.
Causing a buzz at St Thomas's. THOUSANDS of honey bees have been given a home in a church yard in central Oxford.