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A helpful clarification...

First published on: 10th October 2020

A number of commentators on social media have said that the core message of a film by the Bishop of Reading is pantheistic or panentheistic.

Church Energy Audit Programme Launches

First published on: 2nd June 2020

Church Energy Audit Programme Launches. The diocese is helping churches access both expert energy efficiency advice tailored to their building and small grants towards implementing the advisors' energy efficiency recommendations.

Creationtide: Caring for Our World

First published on: 10th December 2019

Creationtide: Caring for Our World. As we move into Creationtide we look at the importance of caring for the world - locally and globally - which is already beginning to suffer the impacts of climate change.

Eco classroom kickstarts school expansion

First published on: 21st May 2019

Eco classroom kickstarts school expansion. WORK on an innovative, modular eco-classroom as part of a plan to expand an 'outstanding' church school in Oxfordshire is well underway.

Churches working in partnership on the environment

First published on: 15th May 2019

Partnering with other people in care for creation can be an important part of a church's witness and outreach.

The roles of honey bees

First published on: 3rd May 2019

The roles of honey bees. As Creationtide draws to a close, the Revd Caroline Windley reflects on the link between the different roles of honey bees in their hive and the different gifts and roles that Christians have within the Church.

St James' wins national Green award

First published on: 3rd April 2019

Winning a Church Times Green Church Award was a "wow" moment for Ed Sampson, churchwarden at St James' Finchampstead.

New resources for Creationtide

First published on: 12th September 2018

New resources for Creationtide. 'Creationtide' or the 'Season of Creation' is the period in the annual church calendar (from 1st September to 4th October) dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life.

More churches urged to convert to renewable energy

First published on: 10th August 2018

As temperatures soar around the world, more than 5,500 UK churches have put their faith in clean energy.

Church of England agrees to disinvest from fossil fuel companies not in line with the Paris Climate Change Agreement

First published on: 9th July 2018

Church of England agrees to disinvest from fossil fuel companies not in line with the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Breaking: Goddard amendment passes at General Synod The Bishop of Oxford says:"I am very pleased that the Church of England has agreed to disinvest from fossil fuel companies not in line with the Paris Climate Change Agreement in 2020 and to complete that disinvestment by 2023 at the latest if they are not prepared to align their plans with the Paris Agreement and a carbon zero future.

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