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Rogation service in Oving

Outdoor rogation service at parishes in rural Buckinghamshire

On a glorious sunny June Sunday morning the parishes of All Saints, Oving and Holy Cross and St Mary, Quainton in rural Buckinghamshire, gathered together for a rogation service.

Group of around 30 people gather outside on grassy area for an outdoor church service, one person is leading worship playing a guitar.The outdoor service was held on Buttermilk Farm, the farm of the churchwarden of Oving and was led by Revd Steve Flashman, Vicar of the 2 parishes.

Rogation is derived from the Latin verb rogare, meaning “to ask”. It is an opportunity to ask for God’s blessing for a particular place; for all its inhabitants and all their enterprise to promote the common good. It joins everyone together in seeking provision for the coming year and a commitment to play their part in the work while endeavouring to protect God’s creation.

After the service, the congregations were treated to coffee and cake, served in the field from a bale of straw.

Find out more about Rogation and marking the Agricultural Year

Page last updated: Friday 16th June 2023 10:14 AM
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