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Parish administrator steps down after 36 years’ service

A parish administrator in Newbury will retire after 36 years’ service to her church, having originally only signed up for two years! Sally Breach agreed to take on the role at St Mary’s Church in Shaw cum Donnington short term but loved it so much she stayed. 

During her time at the parish, Sally has seen five ministers and many changes as her responsibilities evolved. When she began in 1988 she took on the bookings for the old church hall, since replaced. In 1995, Sally took on the rest of the role and also became PA to the minister. She helped to arrange 40 weddings a year, as well as funerals and baptisms; this year there are just four. In years gone by a parish magazine also kept her busy but those duties have also evolved. 

She said: “The doctor has been nagging me for almost five years to retire and I finally gave in when I developed a heart problem as well. I’ve told them I don’t want a leaving gift because I’m not leaving the church – I’ve been worshipping here for over 40 years and will continue to do so. Everyone is being so kind, though.

“I do seem to be the font of all knowledge for everyone! So I’m looking forward to sitting at the other end of the pew and not ‘being on a spring’ to answer all dilemmas when I’m in church. I am also looking forward to making more use of my spa membership as I am a very keen swimmer. I am a published novelist so look forward to more time doing that as well. 

“I am excited to be taking on some different roles within the church like the flower rota and church cleaning, and maybe other things I have been too busy to get involved with.”

Sixty-three-year-old Sally added she loved the variety her job gave her and she was still learning even after 36 years. She always knows that God is close with her in all she did, saying she could often feel him nudging her to do certain jobs.

The Revd Raymond Obin paid tribute to her service: “Sally has been brilliant for me coming as a new Rector to Shaw cum Donnington. Anything I don’t know, I just ask Sally; and it’s not just the day-to-day things, she knows the history and background of the people and the church. We are very fortunate that she’s not actually leaving – just retiring, and we all wish her well.”

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Page last updated: Thursday 25th January 2024 11:02 AM
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