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Children call for climate action with global song

A choir from Gerrards Cross CofE School has lent their voice to a campaign to raise awareness of climate change.

Children from around the world have joined together to record Let Justice Flow Like a River, a song written by Fischy Music and commissioned by Christian Aid. The song reflects on climate justice and talk about the importance of taking action. 

Nicola Flower, head teacher at Gerrard’s Cross, said: “We jumped at the opportunity to record Christian Aid's wonderful new song. The important message of climate justice and the role we all need to play in looking after God's planet, fits well with our Ripples Venture. Inspired by Jesus' words in Luke 12:48, (‘Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!’) we believe that each of our children need to understand that it is their responsibility to give back, to serve others and to make a difference to the world around them. 

“Each of our year groups at Gerrards Cross takes on its own Ripples project every year. Examples of this are weekly visits to a local retirement home and litter picking in our local area. Additionally, we are delighted to present certificates to children who start their own 'ripples' of kindness and social action outside school and in their own communities.”

They were joined by children from South Africa, India, Sri Lanka and Scotland who sing passionately about ‘a fair world for all’, demanding swift action. It serves as a rousing call to leaders, governments, companies and people everywhere to do more –fitting timing ahead of the next climate conference COP28 in Saudi Arabia this week.

The song fits into the theme of the Season of Creation, based on a Bible verse from the prophet Amos (5:24). It is hoped it will be used in school assemblies to help start the conversation about climate change. 

Revd Rachel Mash, Environmental Coordinator of Anglican Church of Southern Africa helped to bring the children’s groups together, said: “The voices of children are very important and we hope that the video will be seen by leaders and many schools will also teach the song in school.

It is hoped the film will be shown during COP28 which starts on 30 November. 

Watch the children from Gerrards Cross CofE School sing.

Page last updated: Wednesday 29th November 2023 2:20 PM
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