
Welcome to the EcoHub

The EcoHub is your one-stop shop for information, practical advice and theological reflection on how we can best care for God’s creation. 

We’ve entered all the resources - a collection of our own and those from other organisations and groups - into an easy-to-search database. Just enter the term you’re looking for into the search box – and you can browse materials that will be relevant to you. 

We've also identified seven categories that align with the Eco Church framework, which we thoroughly encourage churches to follow. Click on the topic headings below to see related resources - they're a great starting point for individuals too.

Worship and teaching

Resources for delivering sermons, prayers, small group courses, services and sung worship.  


Resources to support the care and management of our buildings in a way that’s better for the environment and works towards net zero carbon. 


Resources to help us manage our land for the benefit of wildlife and the environment. 


Resources to support individuals take action to reduce the environmental impact of our daily lives  


Resources to support churches, schools and individuals to speak up for local and global climate issues, particularly focusing on climate justice 


Resources to signpost to funders, and tips on how to fundraise effectively for environmental projects 

Understanding climate, ecology and theology

Reading matter, videos, training courses and podcasts on a wide range of topics that will help individuals to further their understanding of climate issues 

Browse for resources

Enter your own search word(s) in the search box below to find exactly what you are looking for - you might like to try things such as ‘school’, ‘churchyard’, ‘energy’, ‘pray’, ‘children’ etc.

Wilder Churches

Wilder Churches is a project in partnership with the Berks Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust to support action for wildlife in churchyards and church gardens.

Wilder Churches editable poster

An editable poster to highlight your churchyard wildlife actions and that you're part of Wilder Churches. Please also add a church pin to BBOWT's #teamWILDER map to share wildlife friendly churchyards

Wildlife action sheets

Practical tips from The Wildlife Trusts on what you can do for wildlife as an individual or family

Wildlife Friendly Churchyard Tips

Management tips for a wildlife-friendly and people-friendly churchyard management tips as an image by Victoria Wainwright and Kent Wildlife Trust
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