A more Christ-like Church: The Story of Scripture

The story of the Bible is fundamentally about how God created us, how things have gone wrong, and how God faithfully throughout human history has called people back into relationship with him. This going deeper course is designed to help you get a firmer handle on that big story through the use of videos, questions, and quizzes. This course can be completed on your own, or as part of a small group. Over six modules, you'll open your Bible, gain a deeper understanding of what God was doing throughout the pages of Scripture and how God is calling you to join in that same story. In this film Dr Andy Angel introduces our new 'Going Deeper' course on learn.oxford.anglican.org. Courses at this level take around 15 hours to complete and can be started at any time during the year. You’ll learn online at your own pace, or as part of a local group exploring six sessions together. learn.oxford.anglican.org is free to use and available to people living or worshipping in the Diocese of Oxford (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes). To find out how to register, check your copy of eNews or speak to your vicar.

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