Environment & social justice

Bishop Olivia at COP26 in Glasgow - October 2021

An election year

Influencing change for God's kingdom

The general election will be taking part in the second half of this year. Elections are an opportunity for individuals and churches to speak up on issues that matter to them in their local areas, particularly around social justice and the environment. Parishes are uniquely placed to be able to advocate on behalf of their communities.

Resources are being developed to support individuals question local candidates on key issues, and to help churches host hustings. We also have an upcoming CMD day on preparing the elections, and a Greenshoots Network meeting when churches will share their experience of hosting hustings. Contact the Environment Team to join, and in the meantime, sign up to enews for updates and the latest resources.

Cost-of-living crisis

Action is needed now.

People struggling to pay bills, skipping meals, and unable to afford essentials are all part of a pattern of intensifying poverty that has at play for years. Find guidance for churches looking to help and resources for individuals needing support.

Climate emergency

Schools, churches, parishioners and families will have to work together if we are to achieve net zero.

Creation care is a top priority for the Diocese of Oxford. Diocesan Synod declared a climate emergency in March 2020 and we've set an ambitious goal of achieving net zero on carbon emissions by 2035.

It’s tough, but if schools, churches, parishioners and families all work together, it’s achievable. In fact, we hope to do even better – to reach net zero by 2030 if we possibly can. It’s a giant leap forward, and an Environment Task Group, led by Bishop Olivia, is working to help churches plan action, prayer and advocacy at every level.

“It is our calling and our responsibility”

Averting the climate emergency

“It will be costly, but we must play our part in this,” says Bishop Olivia. “It is our calling and our responsibility. We face the facts and reality with gritty determination and stubborn optimism. We can do this if we choose to.”

Already, more than 29 per cent of our churches have completed energy audits, giving them the chance to become more energy efficient while saving money. Changing to a renewable tariff is one way to do this. Installing a more efficient heating system if you need to replace your current one is another. Also, 22 per cent of our churches have registered for A Rocha's Eco Church award scheme, a helpful framework for environmental action.

These are simple, effective things that every church should already be planning for. Check out our EcoHub, our one-stop shop for information, practical advice and theological reflection on how we can best care for God’s creation. 


Social justice

Social justice is fundamental to our common vision to become a more Christ-like Church.

Our world is changing in new and unprecedented ways, we must think afresh about inequality, our communities, and what it means to be human. We need to be the best Church we can be in such a time as this: a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God’s world.

God is already at work through more than a thousand churches, chaplaincies and schools in this diocese and also through each of us as individual disciples. From food banks, to the Eco Church movement and our successful campaign for fossil fuel divestment, much is being done… Did you know that over 520 churches in this diocese are already involved in social action?

With as many as 1,700 community projects in the diocese, it’s clear that the church is doing some amazing things. This section of the website is packed with resources and information to help you to take the next steps towards a fairer, more just and inclusive church: contemplative, compassionate and courageous in all that we do.


In this section...

Environmental action

A wealth of resources for you to make a difference at home, at school, at church and in the wider community, including our EcoHub.

LGBTI+ chaplaincy

Listening, support, and prayerful affirmation for LGBTI+ people, their families and friends.

Addressing poverty and inequality

Part of the diocese's common vision to be a more Christ-like church. Be inspired to take action or find resources to support your church's work.

Racial justice

The time is right to bring the UKME community into sharper focus within the Church. Resources and information on racial equality and the Church.

Disability and church

The church community is only complete when all are welcome. Resources and information for churches on disability and ministry.

Cost-of-living resources

Guidance for individuals, churches and clergy to support them through the cost-of-living crisis.

Page last updated: Wednesday 17th January 2024 4:25 PM

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