Bishop of Oxford

Bishop Steven pictured outside Christ Church Cathedral, OxfordThe Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft

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The Bishop of Oxford is the diocesan or most senior bishop, responsible for oversight of the whole diocese. In addition to his diocesan and national responsibilities, the Bishop of Oxford has pastoral care of the two deaneries of Oxford and Cowley, which cover the city of Oxford, right in the heart of the diocese. Steven was consecrated Bishop of Sheffield in 2009 and translated to Oxford in 2016

You can contact Bishop Steven by email or via his EA Marian Green on 01865 208 222. For media enquiries and interview requests, please contact Rebekah Sharrock. High-resolution images of Bishop Steven are available for media use.

Find out more about the Oxford area

Ad Clerum

Links to letters from Bishop Steven to his clergy and church officers.


Biography of the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford.

Bishops of Oxford since 1542

A list of every Bishop of Oxford from 1542 to present day.

The Bishop of Oxford’s Outreach Fund 

Supporting the mission of the Church worldwide.

Deanery visits

The bishop visited every deanery in the diocese in 2022.

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